Inside: 2022 Crochet Pattern Bundle includes 9 patterns from GoodKnit Kisses in one handy PDF download.
As 2022 comes to a close I like to look back on everything I accomplished over the year.
While my primary focus has been on loom and needle knitting, I still love crochet! I was happy to look back and see that I published 9 new crochet patterns this year.
I’m going to make you happy too, because I bundled those patterns into one handy PDF. When I offer my bundles they are priced to give you a 25% discount over buying the pattern PDFs individually. We all love to save money, right?
The 2022 Crochet Pattern Bundle from GoodKnit Kisses includes the full patterns including written instructions, links to tutorial videos and an easy to navigate table of contents.

This bundle includes the following patterns:
Blankets & Blanket Squares
Bobble Square
Granny Squares Blanket
Easy Triple Cowl
Linen Cowl
Cabled Hats
Easy Basic Hats
Herringbone Ribbed Hats
Linen Stitch Hat
Easy Basic Dishcloth

Get the full 2022 Crochet Pattern Bundle in my Etsy or Ravelry stores at the links below.
To see all my crochet patterns check out my Crochet Pattern Index!