Loom Knit Owl
Meet Stephanie May, of our GoodKnitKisses Loom Knit and Craft Club members. She has made this super cute owl pattern for knitting looms. This loom knit owl is flexible to add your own flair and character, even make it tiny! Try out this cute pattern for yourself. Voted a favorite in our Favorite Friday Pattern at the Loom Knit Club. Please comment, like and share to give Stephanie some love. P.S. It makes a great gift! Happy Looming! -Kristen
Loom Knit Owl
pattern by Stephanie May
This is a great little project to use up some of those yarn scraps you’ve accumulated. Depending on size, it can be done in less than an hour.
Yarn- 2 colours. I’ve used a variety of yarns with great success from worsted weight, boulce, and novelty types like boa and eyelash. Be creative and have fun with your choices.
Large gauge loom- (see chart below)
Loom tool
Yarn needle
Felt, buttons, etc for face, plus matching thread
Sewing needle
Polyester fiberfill
Loom size will determine the number of rows you knit. I’ve found that the number of pegs divided by 3 is a good way to know how many rows. In some cases, you may want to round up or down, just to make it easier.
24 peg loom- 8 rows colour A, 16 rows colour B (24 rows total)
28 pegs (MS loom, 2 half circle peices with large pegs every other hole)- 9 rows colour A, 18 rows colour B (27 rows total)
31 peg loom- 10 rows colour A, 20 rows colour B (30 rows total)
36 peg loom- 12 rows colour A, 24 rows cololur B (36 rows total)
*any large gauge loom should work using this method as a guide
Directions for your loom knit owl:
With colour A and holding 2 strands as 1, cast on all pegs. (Any cast on works, so use whatever you are most comfortable with.)
Knit in the round for * number of rows, determined by your loom size.
Cut A and join B
Knit B in the round for *rows
Drawstring bind off and secure ends.
Stuff with fiberfill, creating a flat pillow shape.
Thread yarn needle with colour A and sew the top closed. The ears will be created on their own when you do this. You can manipulate the shape as needed.
Trim and secure loose ends.
Sew on face.
P.S. Try a loom knit owl keychain with a 12 peg loom! Be sure to comment on the loom and pegs you used to help others. We want to hear from YOU! 🙂

Loom Knit Owl keychain
Saturday 15th of October 2022
I made a ton of ornaments with this pattern. I did 4 rows head colour and 8 rows body colour. I used fluffy yarns for the body and they looked adorable. I also did some with a drawstring cast on and off and then tied little bits to make feathery ears. I made the tiny scarves too. Finally, I also made kitty cats and sewed on a tail. I kept them all one colour for simplicity.
I used two strands worsted or a 5 bulky if just using a single colour. Or I’d used a worsted and a fancy yarn. Dollar tree has some of that eyelash looking yarn which was perfect.
Thursday 3rd of February 2022
Hi!! I’m so excited to try this pattern but I have a question!! What is the colorful yarn you used in the bottom owl for the bottom part? I love the colors and look of it and want to try to find something similar!
Tuesday 31st of January 2017
So I'm new to this...When you say "knit" in the round for * number of rows, determined by your loom size, which knit stitch are you referring to? The classic knit stitch or any? (one thread or two?) And is there any particular stitch to sew the top closed? You don't by any chance have a you tube tutorial for this? Thanks!!
Tracy Cooper
Tuesday 29th of November 2016
I tried the 24 peg Loom single strand of yarn and used two strands of red and black boa yarn. The part for the head is a bit airy and holey so I'm going to try using the 41 peg Loom to make it a bigger pillow.
Kristen Mangus
Friday 2nd of December 2016
Would love to know how it turns out! :-)
Tuesday 28th of October 2014
Going to start one of these tomorrow for my granddaughters birthday party on Sunday! I hope mine turn out half a cute as these are!! Thank you for a great pattern!!
Kristen Mangus
Wednesday 29th of October 2014
Aww sounds fun!