This thought weighs heavy on me today. You don’t have to get married or have children to define you as living or “having a life”. Life does not START when you do. It saddens me when people think others HAVE to be married to define their life. Or that they are only a FAMILY when they have kids. That is bogus.
YOU DEFINE YOUR LIFE; not someone else.
What you do with your heart & passions speak about who you are. Use caution when making your religious question of “so when are you getting married?!” Or “when are you going to have kids”. That may not be their desire or it could be but life has taken them different places. Why not ask “Tell me, what do you love?…” ;). THOUGHT FOR THE DAY, nothing more.
(….just thinking of hurt friends from well meaning but ill thought-out statements or questions from people. This recently happened to a friend of mine and one earlier in the year on the kiddo end. My heart goes out to them enduring years of this.)
It’s the age ole adage. Put yourself into someone else’s shoes.
What are your thoughts? Have you been hurt by comments like these? Have you unintentionally done this and hurt a friend? Maybe you or someone you know has. Comment below and tell us your stories.

Walk in someone else’s shoes
Pam Zahrndt
Friday 9th of November 2012
I totally agree with you. I've never done that, but I've had it done to me only sort of. I was married years ago and I have a couple of grown kids, but I've been divorced for almost 25 years. No dating ... I have enjoyed being alone ever since, but because I've been alone for this long, people do that to me. I am more happy with my life now, so why muck it up just because society thinks everyone in the world should be coupled. It's crazy!
Sandie Dodgson
Friday 9th of November 2012
Pam, I know what you mean. I've been divorced for about 18 years (no dating) and my kids are now grown. I've always hated it when someone asks if I'm dating or 'seeing someone'. On the other hand I probably have done it to someone else in making conversation. I'm good at sticking my foot in my mouth.