Inside: Loom knit Kitchener cast on on 4 different knitting looms with detailed instructions and tutorial videos for both right and left handers.
The Kitchener stitch is a brilliant way to join two ends of your knitting seamlessly. If you’ve ever made cuff down socks you know it is the standard way of closing up the toe of your sock.

Several years ago, Brenda Myers of the Loom Lore blog figured out how to work the Kitchener bind off on the knitting loom. It’s genius.
But it can be tricky to work. Wouldn’t it be great if there was an easier way to get the same smooth look without juggling stitches and following complicated instructions?
Thankfully, the loom knit Kitchener cast on takes care of the problem. Using this easy method to cast on, all you have to do to create that perfect seam is tighten your cast on yarn when you’re done.
It is SO satisfying to tug those loops and see perfect little knit stitches fall into place. There’s no counting. There’s no remembering whether to knit or purl the stitch, just pull.
The Kitchener cast on is ideal for making toe up socks so the instructions do include references to a sock heel/toe side and front side. (Because I’m working a loom knit toe up sock pattern for you right now.) But you can also use this method for other projects like hats. The method is still the same.
Can I use this technique on any loom?
Yes and no.
The ideal looms for this cast on are round, oval, square, and rectangle. Basically looms with an open space in the middle. The shaped looms like X and S that would not work well.
The step by step pictures below are shown on a CinDWood Oval Sock Loom. It comes with colored pegs marking the heel/toe short rows for a sock. It makes it very easy to see each half of the loom. I do have pictures below of 3 other looms wrapped with the Kitchener cast on method so you can see what it looks like on a round, rectangle and Flexee loom.

Do I need a tapestry needle, crochet hook, or other tools?
All you need to cast on is your loom, yarn, 2 stitch markers, and loom hook. The two markers divide your loom into halves since you will be weaving the yarn back and forth between the two sides. In the pictures below you will may see some additional stitch markers for my sock heel/toe short rows, but these are not necessary for the cast on.
Can I work this cast on from either direction?
I’ve included both right and left handed instructions and videos. If you’re left handed any changes to the instructions are listed in brackets [ ].
For a refresher on loom knitting basics see the blog posts below to get started:
13 Questions for Beginner Loom Knitters
How to Loom Knit Basics (cast on, knit, purl, & bind off)
How to Loom Knit Basic Stitch Patterns (garter st, seed st and ribbing)
How to Loom Knit in the Round
Loom Knit Kitchener Cast On Instructions
Loom setup: Place marker at Peg 1 and place another marker at the halfway point. Example: For a 40 peg loom, place markers at Peg 1 and Peg 20. These pegs mark the first and last pegs of one half of your loom. In the instructions below this half of the loom is referred to as the Heel/Toe Side and the unmarked half as the Front Side.
Instructions Right Handed [Left Handed]
Place marked loom on table with Peg 1 at the top and the middle marked peg at the bottom. The Heel/Toe (marked half) is on the LEFT [RIGHT] and the Front (unmarked half) is on the RIGHT [LEFT].
STEP ONE – Wrapping:
- Place working yarn above the loom and lay the tail between Peg 1 and the last unmarked peg on the Front. Bring yarn tail under bottom of loom at the middle marker and attach to anchor peg or tie onto loom temporarily at this end.

- Wrap working yarn around Peg 1 of the Heel/Toe side from top to bottom and bring working yarn back to inside of loom. The wrap will be as if you are working a U wrap knit stitch. Do not E wrap the peg.

- Wrap first unmarked peg on Front side around the peg from top to bottom and bring working yarn back across center of loom.

- Continue wrapping the next peg alternating between the Heel/Toe side and the Front side. This will look like a zig zag back and forth.

- After wrapping all pegs, working yarn should wrap around the front of the last empty peg.

Here’s what the wrapping step of the loom knit Kitchener cast on looks like on some other looms.

STEP TWO – Finish Cast-on:
- Push the wraps down toward bottom of pegs.
- Flat knit all stitches. Make sure to push stitches down on pegs after knitting over to prevent them from falling off the pegs.
- Cut an approx 15” strand of Contrast B yarn to use as the anchor yarn. Place one end of anchor yarn between Pegs 1 and 2 at the top of the Heel/Toe side. Place the other end between the last marked peg on the Heel-Toe side and the last peg on the Front side. Push yarn ends underneath to inside of loom and tie at back of loom. This anchor yarn will help you identify where to start closing the Kitchener cast on.
Closing the Kitchener cast on:
This is typically done when you finish loom knitting your project. However, if you prefer, you can close the cast on once your project is long enough to close the seam without stretching it.
- Work on the right side of your project and begin at the end opposite your starting yarn tail.
- Use the anchor yarn to help you find the corner. Gently pull on the second or third loop from the corner. This will close the gap and create knit stitches to join the two sides.
- Use your loom tool to adjust the two sides of the V-shaped knit stitches and make sure they are even.
- Continue across the seam pulling each stitch closed and adjusting if needed.
- Trim yarn tail, remove anchor yarn, and weave in end on the inside or your project.


Loom Knit Kitchener Cast On Tutorial Videos
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